The Pink Adventures of the Drift Bunny

The Pink Adventures of the Drift Bunny

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ultimate Lamborghini Experience 4 (ultimate sunburn too)

Finally back on the track!! This past Wednesday, my boyfriend and friend got the privilege to shoot at Ultimate Lamborghini Experience 4 in California Speedway. Getting up at 5 in the morning to drive down to Orange County to switch cars was a little rough for me, so there was no bow involved or bunny costume, also because it was 95 degrees, all black would have melted me! Anyways, it was a small private event with about 30 Lamborghinis, which were spread out on the paddock. We started shooting right away.

Booty rockin' everywhere!



Look ma! No hands!

Lord, give me Murci(elago)

Lunch time omnomnom :D

Candid with my camera!

hey what are you doin!?

Valentino Balboni Himself!

 At this point, we had been running around the track for half the day. We got to meet legendary Lamborghini test driver Valentino Balboni who had happened to be Matt's hero as well. Interesting stories were told of how Lamborghini became the company it is today and how it began as a tractor manufacturer when Ferrari decided to start talking smack...

After story and lunch time and the most delicious desserts by Crumb Fairy Bakery ( It was time to shoot the parade lap and group shot of all the members and their cars. I was lucky enough to ride in a gorgeous 06 orange Murcielago which was cleverly name "clckwork". The owner of this beauty was the president of the club Andrew Romanowski.

As the day was winding down, I got a few more shots in since my card was full and I was suffering a heat stroke. Above are a few shots of Kenny. An 18 year old dude who is blessed enough to call one of these holy grails his own. Pretty chill guy, who let us try out his Yikebike, which almost killed me X___X  By the grin on his face, I'm guessing this was one hell of fun time!

Another Pink Adventure, not quite Drifting, but none the less adventure! I had so much fun and really hope to return next year! Big thanks to Ellie, Andrew, Beverly Hills Lamborghini, and everyone else who helped make this event possible.
XOXO the Drift Bunny