The Pink Adventures of the Drift Bunny

The Pink Adventures of the Drift Bunny

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ideas, Ideas Anyone??

I am really starting to get into MMA fighting/UFC! I have always been very athletic and into physical sports before I got into Drifting and everything else with motorsports. I am very interested in shooting UFC fights and other various sporting events... On a side note, I really would love to start covering other random events or fab places. I FINALLY updating and synced Yelp to my Twitter and Facebook accounts so I can review places of business or yummy food places I check out. Please email me, friend me, follow me, or comment on here about WHATEVER it is you fabulous lovelies would like to see some pink bow love on ;)
Thank you for stopping by! 
Facebook: Emma Yvette
Twitter: @DriftBunny
xoxo Drift Bunny


  1. I'd like to see some "pink bow love" coverage on a cars and coffee event.

  2. I will definitely start going! Since Jerry lives nearby its two birds with one stone ;) I will try and wake up early enough for Super Car Sunday as well since it is 20 minutes from me! xoxo
